met•a•mor•pho•sis living:

~experiencing fulfillment in seeing transformation happen in both the natural, your home, and the spiritual, your inner self~ How creating beauty in your home can stimulate inner spiritual growth!

Trash To Treasures~ four yard sale items transformed!

The Reveal~

Three weeks ago, you may remember, I posted about four unique yard sale finds that I picked up on a whim.

My goal was to turn these four somewhat useless pieces into pieces that would have purpose in my home, pieces that we could treasure!


Let’s go back to see what they looked like prior to their transformation~

1. The bamboo mirror~


I wasn’t in love with this mirror, but saw the potential in that it’s a solid piece made with two different types of bamboo. I also found the chevron pattern intriguing! The mirror cost me $5.00 at a yard sale. I sat and looked at this piece for a long time. I decided I didn’t want to paint it as was my original plan. I thought about making it into a table for our loft area, and then I got an idea…I’d place it on top of my vintage travel trunk. This solved the dilemma of the uneven top and really gives it a finished look!


Now I can place decorative pieces and drinks on it and not worry about them falling over and spilling! 🙂


2. The vintage typewriter desk~


The first thing I did was look it up on Ebay to find that similar typewriter desks were going for an average of $50.00. I thought that wasn’t bad since I paid $2.00 for it!

I cleaned it up and also looked at it for a while, trying to decide how to make it beautiful and useful. I decided to spray paint it silver, so it would go with any room in the house! I also put heavy white wallpaper on the top, so it could be used and cleaned easily! It has become a portable drink station to use wherever it’s needed. Right now it’s in the dining room and set up as a wine station!


Here’s a full view picture of it~


3. The old white rocking chair~


Awful looking, isn’t it? Not bad for $3.00 though… I knew right away what I wanted to do with this chair. I knew I wanted to keep it white, so on went a coat of white paint! Then I knew I wanted to paint whimsical zebra stripes in gray.

I love gray zebra stripes, so there!  😉


I have it sitting in the bed nook area, to add extra seating if needed!


4. Hand-carved wood art~


I was sold on the quality of these hand-carved pieces. They didn’t come as cheap. I paid a whopping $10.00 for them! They weren’t bad looking, but not the look for my home. I knew exactly what I’d do with them. I would paint over the black background with a textured gray paint, and rub the gray gently into the tree designs to give it a grayish hue! Can I tell you, I Love them!


Another view~


Well, that’s it, three weeks of planning and transforming these inexpensive yard sale pieces, from Trash to Treasures! 

Three weeks ago I mentioned thinking about these yard sale finds and other things that I transform, made me think about the fact that…

That’s how God looks at us, even in the imperfect state that we’re all in!

1 Samuel 16:7

“For the Lord does not see as man sees, for man looks at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

He looks at our heart and knows how we can most fully partner with Him in His Kingdom work…He sees way beyond what we or anyone else can see in us.

I want to see the heart beauty in others more completely!  I decided to make a few changes over the past three weeks, changes that go beyond the four yard sale finds. I decided to reach out to more people, by sharing my life more fully and my story more often! I want to see the treasures in those who are hard to love, those who’ve been hurt or spend much effort in hiding their hearts!

My thoughts are that I need to become more transparent in order for others to feel safe opening up! That’s my plan in hopes of finding more of the hidden treasures in those around me…Can I encourage you to do the same?

I hope you enjoyed seeing the transformations here. I have to say this process was a labor of love! ❤

Please FOLLOW the blog and leave a message. I’d love to know if you’ve been moved and encouraged in any way! Thanks so much!  😀



8 comments on “Trash To Treasures~ four yard sale items transformed!

  1. Ariel
    October 8, 2013

    Fantastic transformations!! And I loved what you said at the end about being more transparent so that others can feel more comfortable opening up to you…that’s a goal of mine, as well. ❤

    • hvalardi
      October 8, 2013

      Ariel, thank you so much for your words of encouragement~ you’re wonderful! 🙂

  2. David
    October 8, 2013

    Those are really beautiful treasures! I love them!

  3. Sarah
    October 9, 2013

    Now that’s what I’m talking about! Every picture captured the true beauty of your home. I’m so proud to call you sis : )

    • hvalardi
      October 10, 2013

      Thanks Sarah~ I tried to spend more time with the staging AND getting good pictures…I’m t.r.y.i.n.g! 😀

  4. Kim
    October 10, 2013

    Heidi, you did great with those treasures! I see a few new photo changes these days, too. 😉 Your posts always encourage me as I strive to walk with transparency and authenticity. We need that from our sisters in Christ.
    His blessings,

    • hvalardi
      October 11, 2013

      Thanks so much Kim. Your encouragement means so much to me…! 🙂

      • glenda
        October 11, 2013

        Have truly enjoyed seeing your trash to treasure blog; you have the magic touch! Peace be yours, Heidi!

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